Breeding Picassos


Does anyone have experience breeding Picasso clownfish? or any clowns for that matter? I have a pair of picassos thats been together for well over a year now. I just moved them to a 12 gallon nano cube that has a tiny yellow watchman goby and a purple firefish. Should I remove all tank mates? what kind of breeding advice do you have?

Thanks for the help guys!
I have better success with no tankmates. I have had pairs spawn in a tank with other fish but it can make things more challenging. Typically the parents need to be feed multiple times a day. I feed 3-5 times a day. They get Rod's food, pacific plankton, TDO, Spectrum pellets and Mysis shrimp. They also need to be old enough. Typically if my pairs are not at least 2 years old they have not spawned for me. I like to use tiles but other guys use clay pots. The spawning part in my opinion is the easier part. Raising the larvae is much more challenging. I would recommend reading Joyce Wilkerson's clownfish book as it has very good information on raising the larvae. You can checkout my site for a bunch of infomation as well.