brett16 rimless update


Here is just a small update of my setup. My build is the general reef thread but i figured i would post updates here.
I have visited reefwise and came back with some nice pieces, included a orange setosa frag that i can't want to see grow. A couple more frags from various reefers as well. The Gamma lights is up to about W40% B 45% C48% now and corals are acclimating well.

I finally passed off the mexican turbos that bulldozed my frags every night so they should have time now to grab a hold of the rock. One of my larger green stags was bulldozed and fell into a bed of zoas. When i picked it up in the morning, most of it lost its color. I then mad the quick chose to rid if the snails and pick up some of those Nass. from ebay.

Also picked up 8 red mangroves. Acclimated them and now have them in a 3" sand bed in the sump with a 4k led light on them. then seem to be doing well so far.

Things still looking to get:
I need a couple more 4" filter socks to change out as i am cleaning mine quite often. I also have 100 micron pads that i use in the overflow chamber.

I could defiantly use a RO/DI unit, although it is nice to be able to get water and a frag from A.A. every two weeks.

And lastly, i need another Mp10wes to get a little more flow as frags grow.
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Sweet tank man love it! Those lights are amazing im so jelly. Gl to ya cant wait to see more!

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Ok ok lol. I have been neglecting to update because its not going to be a good one. But here is goes:

I have lost several acro colonies and montipora's along with my favorite fish, the potter angel. Still unsure on why or how he died, I just woke up to him breathing fast and having a silky layer on his scales. The corals parished due to red bugs and maybe somthing else.

I was dosing vinegar and everything was fine until my acros started to brown and avoid extending polyps. Then they basicaly started to STN. I dipped the corals i can for the red bug problem and it killed them on contact, but most of the corals seem to be doomed. I Still have several colonies doing well like monti caps, slimmers, birdsnest, digitas, and zoas. But the damage is done. I started to add amino acids and feed more.

I think my system is started to recovery but it is going to be a long one. I am going to started adding some soft and LPS corals until i really understand SPS. DOES ANYONE KNOW IF MY PROBLEM WAS THE FACT THAT I DIDNT DOSE ANY AMINO ACIDS WHILE DOSING CARBON??

My next purchase are going to be a rose tip anemone and a pair of buckshot clowns.

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Despite your troubles, the tank still looks fantastic, so just keep it up. As long as you were feeding your tank at a normal rate, I don't think that carbon dosing was your problem. Acros and SPS can just be finicky. Keep an eye on your Ca, Alk, and Mag, though.

Good luck in the future, sorry about your casualties, and keep that tank looking great!