Bristle, fire, or something else?

Joe Lydon

New member
Found a new one today. I'm not sure what kind of worm this is. It's white with really no color, it looks different structurally compared to photos of bristle or fire worms. Any ideas?

Bottom right, coming out of the rock. Doesn't mind light, just doesn't like to be watched and scurries off when he notices movement.
Hi Joe,

No worries, it looks like a standard bristleworm - a lighter version of these two:

I'm not sure what that brown thing is on the tip - maybe just an anomaly?
Also, am I just seeing things or is that a teeny-tiny, greyish crab on the front edge of the rock, to the left of where the worm emerges? It looks like a round-ish body with two claws facing the lower left.
Thanks! I was only finding bristleworms that looked more like centipedes, and this guy looked more like a pipe cleaner. As I have no experience with ID'ing, I'm glad you guys could help! Sweet though, I'm glad to have a good scavenger!

Ohh, Lynn, I'm having a hard time seeing what you're talking about, but I have been known to be blind to things..! Lol
Ohh, Lynn, I'm having a hard time seeing what you're talking about, but I have been known to be blind to things..! Lol
Hehee - well I may be creating an imaginary crab out of a piece of detritus! :a42: Anyway, it's just below and to the right of what looks a bit like a feather duster.
Sorry to resurrect an older thread, but I figured I would ask my bristle worm question here instead of making a new thread.. I'm assuming that this is a harmless bristle worm, but wanted to double check. I'm doubly curious, since I seem to have loads of them in my system.... (which I hope is good, lol)

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:) Thank you! Glad to hear they're safe, and I think it's GSP.. it's "Dre's Grass", lol... so, ask him! It might be a type of pipe organ coral? To be honest, that's one of the few corals in my tank that I have not read a lot about yet. I do know that its gorgeous, has beautiful long polyps, and is a great indicator of flow, lol. My poor iphone picture does not do it justice...