bristle or fireworm?


i just find him today sneaking between rocks,around 7" long!should i take him out?

Worms are great for the tank. The are one of the best crap eaters out there and they keep your sandbed stirred. they get detritus where your snails can't reach. They eat anything that dies in your tank, so it helps with pollution control. With a tank as big as yours, sometimes it's hard to find a fish or snail that dies within the rocks, that's when the worms come in. they it them up before they can foul up your tank.
they only time you need to get rid of them, is when they get sooo big that they start irritating your corals with the bristles. they get a bad rap cause they are so ugly, but honestly i see mine only once in a blue moon.

when they start wrapping your tank, get em out, until then, 7 inches in that size tank notso bad. especially yours let him stir the sand some.
Very cool...I agree they are sure ugly but in my experience they are relatively reef safe and helps clean your tank
If you see one you probably have 10 more, As someone stated look at your tank at night, that is when they will all come out.
I pulled one out last month that was was over a foot. Once they get that big I think they might be a little to big.. haha. I have so many in the aquarium though I am sure I have another one that big in there somewhere.

They sure do keep it clean!