Bristle worm newbie question.


New member
I set up a 20 gallon tank to grow out some corals. I decided to Add two pieces of rock from my display tank to help get it going. Everything is fine and I actually have a small frag of generic Zoa in there that are doing fine. Now the question..... There are a bunch of small bristle worms who have ventured out of the rock presumably looking for a snack? The tank is currently barebottom. Should I siphon them out or is there a foods source I could add?
They eat anything you would feed a fish and they don't really hurt anything if you are not freaked out by them.
I hate them. Mine are so large that nothing in the tank will eat them. I am seriously contemplating a Conus Regius snail in my tank.
Watch out if you have small fish.Them worms get big and will take out fry and small fish from what I read up on them. I soak my rock in very cold water with high salt that kills them just a fyi
They don't hurt anything and eat fish waste and leftover food. They are disgusting, but beneficial. Like all the other posters said, do not touch them, their spines break off, hurt like a mother, and are very difficult to remove, which could cause a serious infection.