

Has anyone here successfully treated a case of Brooklynella? I have been battling a case on my new Blue Stripe clownfish pair since last week and would like to get some feedback on my treatment plan and what I am seeing.

It's one of those very scary problems I hope never to encounter. Please keep us posted of your results, especially if successful. Good Luck Tom.
Had success with Chloroquine Phosphate (CP) at 40mg per gal. 1 dose and done. Must use a hopsital tank do not put in DT
I am using formalin as a long term bath as suggested by some friends who are importers and deal with it frequently. I am adding formalin to my 20 gallon quarantine tank daily at night right after doing a 25 percent water change. I have been adding 1ml of formalin. In the mornings I have been adding 5ml of paraguard. The brook does not seem to be getting any worst but does not seem to be going away either. Last night I bumped the formalin up to 1.5ml. I will see tonight if that seemed to make a difference.
My notes on formalin taken from

Diseases: ich, external protozoans
Formalin should be administered in a well ventilated area. It is a carcinogenic agent so please exercise caution when using such product. Toxicity may elevate in connection to high temperature above 70 degrees.

Formalin can deplete oxygen so keep your water well-aerated.

This is not compatible with salt so refrain from using any commercial product containing formalin with salt.

Dosage: 2 teaspoons per 10g (20ppm). Dose half only for severely weakened fish. Water changes need to be performed first before redosing med. May be redosed on a daily basis for at least a week or two and continue treatment 3-4 more days right after ich disappears.