I completely eradicated my HA and now I'm having a terrible outbreak of bryopsis. I had initially misidentified it as Calurpa (or just confused those at some point) I've been plucking what I can when I do WCs, but it is growing in cracks and starting to completely take over. The Chaeto in my media basket is doing great and I am running Purigen in there as well as a reactor with seachem seagel. I am at a loss as to what to do. This stuff is almost impossible to pluck and has already killed one frag (or took an opportunity on a sick ((chalice)) frag). I've been adding algae eaters like crazy and have only now realized that nothing eats bryopsis. Any thoughts? Blackout, chemicals, M80s, I'm willing to try anything because I will soon have a bryopsis species tank? For a "hobby"" this can sure be frustrating. . .