BTA hosting my... peppermint shrimp???


New member
I picked up a peppermint shrimp from Aqua Pros after I noticed some aptasia on the rock I got from the MACI coral cutting class. He's been doing a good job overnights, but what surprises me most is that every time I want to see the shrimp, all I have to do is look at my anemone! The anemone is right in between the rock and back wall and my shrimp seems to hang on the wall either right under the body of the anemone or right next to it either next to or RIGHT IN the tentacles!

Is this normal?
i had a dwarf zebra hermit who "hosted" my lta. he wasnt there ALL the time, but he spent a lot of time hiding under its frill and trying to steal the food it caught. anything thats hungry and somewhat intelligent has a chance of figuring it out
Yeah. They actually get pretty annoying stealing food from corals. That's why I'm setting up a grow out tank with no shrimps and crabs
my emerald crab seems to do that with one of my rainbow bta's... i thought it was odd, but don't see the crab bothering the bta at all so I didn't worry