Calling out all CLOWNFISH experts


Well-known member
i have onyx and true perc. few days ago i put in little yellow eye cole in my tank. onxy leaves him alone (hes a male) perc (female) beats the **** out of him. his tail is ripped and hes hiding all day. so this morning i (flash bang) the tank. (6am light on full blast) and cought the perc and put her in the sump. kole came right out and hes fine with onyx. now if i leave my perc in the sump for few days and put her back into display tank will the aggression go away? or its a lost cause, and i'm better off trading her for something else.
I'm NO expert but in my experience the aggression will not stop. You might be able to keep them apart with some creative rock work. Good luck.
I've heard/read that if u get a critter keeper and put it in ur tank w fish in there that are aggressive that they will sometimes calm down. Worth a try. If u wanan stop by i have a floating breeder/critter keeper u can borrow
try putting the clown back in after moving a few rocks around. mess up her territory and make her find a new one with the kole well established. I'd put 70% on that working but I make up proobabilities 82% of the time.
She will beat him up until he submits , you wil see him cower on his side and her over him , I would put him in a breeder basket so she gets used to him .
Im not an expert but after reading an article in the nov/dec coral magazine i would do lights off for extended period (a day or two) rework rock in that period. Put perc in critter keeper or whatever setup you have for your tank for a long period (like a week or so). It is supposed to work best if the most aggressive is added last but it doesnt always work like that.

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One of my two clowns tries to eat my hand every time I clean my tank. It literally follows my hand the entire length of the tank and bites the crap out of my knuckles until they bleed. I've punched him on several occassions.

I added a decent sized yellow tang to my tank in the past. The clown killed it.
One of my two clowns tries to eat my hand every time I clean my tank. It literally follows my hand the entire length of the tank and bites the crap out of my knuckles until they bleed. I've punched him on several occassions.

I added a decent sized yellow tang to my tank in the past. The clown killed it.

Now that's aggressive behavior :-)