can i have a Nano reef with canister filter?


New member
hey guys, i was wondering if anyone has or had a decent reef by using a canister filer. I know that sumps work and skimmers, but i want to build a rimless tank that makes ZERO noise, as in no gurgling, no water falling, nothing!

a nano has all the filtration in the back, its cool, but i want a glass tank that is super clean, and just a par 38 bulb above.

i was thinking to buy a canister filter that is rated perhaps 2x more than my tank, so i get more flow.

i would have to do a WC every week, since i don't want to use a skimmer.

The tank will mostly have LPS and maybe 2 sps in there.

What do you guys think, should i even try that?
Is this your 9gal reef? I would think it would work with weekly WC's... My 12g nanocube has no skimmer, mechanical filter, nothing. Just a bunch of LR rubble stuffed in the chambers in the back. I don't even run carbon and everything my lights can support does great. Haven't tried SPS yet cuz I don't have strong enough lights.
i was gonna try it with the 9 gal. maybe if i take out the bio balls and all that crap it could work. i mean its almost like a small small sump like the nano have in the back.

i would do carbon and just some filter floss. and thats it.
ABSOLUTELY! I had an AGA 20 Tall that ran a cheap lil Taam Rio Skilter in conjunction with a Rena Filstar XP1 and it looked amazing! I didn't even add any real media besides carbon to polish the water column.

I ran a Nuvo 8 for 7 months with fluval G3. No matter brand or price tag you must clean them well. My tank ran its course. I got bored, but I loved it. I did end up stripping water. Perfect patameters aren't always good. My palys stopped growing so upgraded to a larger tank. No canister.
I have a Sps dominant 12 gal nano. I do 3-4 gal weekly water changes and I'm getting fantastic growth and color. I do run with chemipure in the back chamber and chaeto in the middle but that is it.