Can't make up my mind :-(


New member
So recently I havnt had alot of time to do maintenance to my small 12 gallon nano. Havnt kept up with water changes and what not. So I'm
Between selling it or keeping it. I
Havnt even been able to finish putting together the LED fixture I was making for it it's just sitting there. The tank is stable tho and I have a clown fish, a gsp, clove polyps, and a Pom Pom as livestock. If I do sell how much would be a decent price to sell at or should I keep. If I sold I'd like to go to fowlr instead and later on start a reef back up. Wat do you guys think.

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I am doing them but I'll do them
Like 2 or 3 days late

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2-3 days late isn't that bad. How's is ur tank doing? Mayb do a 50% wc and just do 2 g wc every 10 days after that. That how much I use to change in my nano.
Tank doing good usually do 2gl every 7 days but will start every 10 now since you mentioned it

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I believe even if you do go fowlr, maintenance will still be necessary. I have a 12g nanocube running temporarily and no issues with water changes every 10 days or so and I currently have 2 clowns and various sps lps and zoas.

And to be honest I think you will lose more trying to sell it. People really aren't looking buy tanks at the moment imo.

I'd say maybe start building a fowlr or maybe even a larger reef. With a larger reef, once it becomes established, the tank will run itself with little to no maintenance.
Well with fowlr I no you can be a bit far more apart with water changes that's why I considered and I just don't have the room for a larger tank what I do want rather than nano is 20L or 29 that the biggest I can have.

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I say keep it also...just keep doing what you're doing, and the tank will be fine. And when you do have the time again, the tank will still be running and healthy.
If u want a bigger tank with a nice footprint get the 27 g cube I got from petsmart. They usually have it in sale for 200 bucks for tank, stand , glass top, and sum led light.
Going FOWLR will not mean less maintenance by any means.If you can't keep up with the itsy bitsy 12g then a larger tank is larger WC,bigger skimmer to clean,more glass to wipe,more sand etc etc.