carpet anemone feeding ??


New member
Well so here is the story . I have a very large green carpet anemone. When I got him he was all closed up and maybe six to eight inches. Well he found a spot in the tank dug down got comfy and opened up. He is 12 inches wide easy. Well I do feed him but he has tried to eat ny giant hermit did eat a clown and my manderin. And the sad part hours after spitting out the manderin spine he was waving around with his mouth open hungry. Well I give him two silver sides every two days. I figure for how big he is he can eat a very large fish to be full. He is over 12 inches round and his foot is about six to eight inches wide and about eight inches from his mouth . And I noticed he is getting thicker? Is that good? He did decide to move a bit farther back in the rocks and moved one while diging and now opened up between like a bridge between them. This animal is very smart for being brainless. I seen him bait the fish to him with a single pellet he left on himself. Crazy. But my main question is how often and how much should I be feeding him? Though I do enjoy watching him eat. I just wish I could feed him something bigger then silversides lol. I almost killed this poor animal after he killed my manderin . I loved my manderin he would charge the glass at me sometimes if I didn't feed him. But they again all my animals do lol.
You have a Haddoni... that is an infamous fish eating anemone... Unfortunately, if you plan to keep him long term, you will realistically need to expect fish being eaten.. it's generally Mandarins, Gobies, and the slower moving fish that will get hit, but they have eaten tangs. They're vicious.

Feed him scallops, shrimp pieces, octopus.. Those are great choices. Good luck.
That truly is a gorgeous anemone! That FTS cracks me up though... It's like a full on quarter of your tank is dominated by this massive lurking predator just waiting to ambush....

I should mention, and it might be a little silly / redundant, but the more you feed it, the bigger it will get, and the quicker it will grow... I'm not sure you need to be feeding it daily, as I am not sure that will truly prevent it from eating anything that wanders into it apart from when it is actively closed.... I don't know enough to really comment though, just my 2c!
I hardly ever spot feed my haddoni. It has only grown slightly in the past year. They do fine under adequate lighting and decent water conditions. I would stop spot feeding it for a while or cut back to 1-2 times a month.