Chalice death


New member
Yesterday I came back from New Fish with a good sized piece of chalice and a little favia. This morning the flesh is gone from the chalice, it's dead. I drip acclimated both for a little more than an hour after a short ride home. The favia looks happy already, like all the other corals I have. I tested yesterday and all was stable at usual levels:
Cal 430
Alk 8.5 dkh
pH 8.2
Na .5
Phos almost undetectable
iodine .02

It's there anything that would kill only a chalice, and overnight? Alellopathy? Just acclimation stress?

Does anyone know New Fish's replacement policy?...
Chalice sometimes do that and when they do ,its fast. No guarantee on coral As far as I know.Too many factors that can cause it to die.
It happens sometimes. I had sps do that too over night luckly dosent happen to often. Could if been just stressed who knows when it was cut at lfs and how long it was there . Ive had issues in past with corals from there i personally wont put a coral in my tank from there ever again .
You can't really blame a store for a coral loss if it looked good when you bought it. Chalice in general don't like change. Especially DKH. This is another reason the nice one tend to cost so much. They take for ever to grow and can go to skeleton so quick with no apparent reason while everything else in the tank is thriving. I lost plenty over the years .
What's your salinity, and magnesium levels? My chalices love higher magnesium, and it's the first thing I check if I see receding. What kind of chalice was it? Maybe I have a frag for you.
Lije Madjoe said , who knows if it was freshly fragged , and the move to your tank was just the last stress straw.
You can't really blame a store for a coral loss if it looked good when you bought it. Chalice in general don't like change. Especially DKH. This is another reason the nice one tend to cost so much. They take for ever to grow and can go to skeleton so quick with no apparent reason while everything else in the tank is thriving. I lost plenty over the years .

Not blaming any one said chit happens sometimes. i simply stated i personally wont buy another coral from them again from a experiance i had with a coral. And few other people i know too. i know nothing about chalices and wont pretend i do . But ive had sps do same thing for no apparent reason im sure its that way with all corals .
It was a pretty standard blue and green chalice, looked recently cut but not freshly cut. First chalice I've tried. I'm a little discouraged but I really like chalices and I'm definitely not done with them.

What's your salinity, and magnesium levels? My chalices love higher magnesium, and it's the first thing I check if I see receding. What kind of chalice was it? Maybe I have a frag for you.
Salinity I keep at .025
I have yet to get a magnesium test kit. (Waiting for Nov BRS group buy) I have 30 gallons and change 5 of them every ten days or so using SeaChem salt. Am I correct to assume that if my other params (cal, alk, pH...) are good and stable, then magnesium is probably at acceptable levels too? (not debating need for test kit)
I'd love to come see what you've got for a replacement chalice... Should I wait for my mag test kit first though?
If you want I still have a nice size hollywood stunner chalice about 2"x3" and if you wanted it you can bring a water sample and I could test the magnesium for you
Chalices arent even the bad stuff. try collecting SPS, they die even quicker.
with chalices though, if there is even one little dot of tissue left, dip it in iodine dip and place in dark / low flow area of your tank, wait a few months and you might see it recover.
+1 nino. Never throw away a coral until it grows algae on it. I had a pink chalice come back after being shoved under a ledge.
I introduced the chalice last night. Halide was off already. Died overnight, with every bit of tissue gone. Real sad.

The favia I added the same time looks great this morning, little feeding tentacles extended and all.

My few pieces of sps look great. Whitish tips, growing at a very noticeable rate.

I'll write this off as a mystery of the sea I guess...

Thanks Skunker, but I don't know when I can make it to crestwood.