Chicago Reefs Group Buys


I am looking at setting up some group buy opportunities for the premium members. I have a few ideas on what I could do but I am wondering what type of things you would be interested in. I was thinking things that are consumables, like RO filters, supplements, phosphate media, fragging supplies or possibly some simple livestock like clean up crews. The more people that participate will allow for better pricing and offerings.

Do you have any suggestions on what you would like to see or be interested in?

I wouldn't mind clean up crew, activated carbon, rodi refill packs and cartridges.

Even live stock
How about livestock? If we could buy wholesale it might be a great idea.
Say 15 or 20 of us spent a few hundred we could get some real buying power. We could have a shipping and handling fee go to actual shipping and have a portion of the fee go to who ever receives the fish.
We would have logistics and rules to figure out but it might be nice.
Same as what has already been mentioned.

CUC is easy through places Reefcleaners.

Wholesale livestock could also be nice, would have to depend on what kind of items though.
I would plan on doing dry goods first. CUC is something I would consider as far as livestock. Other livestock can be really hit or miss with true wholesalers. A lot of time they substitute, don't ship items and if you have DOA's its credit only no refunds. I find its not really worth the effort that goes into them and most people are not entirely happy with what they get. It may be different if you do something from someone like Battle corals but we will see how much participation we get in the first group buy. If its good then we can work toward different things.

I will probably start with a fragging supplies, and RO/DI group buy as it probably includes a lot of people and is easy to get people their dry goods. I hope to get something by the end of the month