

New member
Hi Everyone!

I'm glad to have found this site. Found it on the board at MCF last week. Looks great and I'm excited to participate!

I started out on a co-project with my bf doing a 29 gal bio cube reef and in the last 2 months have also built a 5 gal pico that I call "Aquanook." It's supposed to look like a fairy forest, complete with "goblin" hermits, dancing sexy shrimp, bumble bee snail, and tiny duncan "trees." It also has a star background. I love it!

Happy reefing!

haha. Sorry! Here are some photos. These are older, though. We've changed some things in both and I'll have to update the photos later. The larger one has had the rocks changed around and we have a few more corals. The one of Aquanook was taken before i moved things around and removed a few Kenyas (they were temporary) so it looks a little different now, too. I'll update the pics later this week.
Welcome to the site. Nice Midas blenny you got there. See a picture of mine on the home page!

Great looking tanks

Great picture!! But we still want more ;) You will love this place and all the great people that help here.. Can't wait for the updates :ciao:
Hhaha. Ok, more pics to follow. Thanks for being so nice!!
Jcarl, sad to say, after 1.5 years, we lost the Blenny. Possible internal parasites. It went pretty fast and our meds and spot feeding didn't help. He quit eating. :( We miss him tons.
Hhaha. Ok, more pics to follow. Thanks for being so nice!!
Jcarl, sad to say, after 1.5 years, we lost the Blenny. Possible internal parasites. It went pretty fast and our meds and spot feeding didn't help. He quit eating. :( We miss him tons.

Ahhh... sorry to hear that. Midas blenny's are characters.
Thanks everyone! :) Here's a few closeups from "Aquanook." It's currently housing 4 sexy shrimp (one has been awol for 2 weeks...), 1 yellow clown goby named Gordon, a bumble bee snail, 2 astrea snails, a cerith, 2 tiny nasarius and 3 tiny hermits. I got everything as small as possible. I also have 1 duncan, 2 types of ricordeas, pulsing xenias, 2 types of zoas, and some kenyas that were in the other tank but were getting eaten by an angel. I got all the live rock to look like trees and glued it together into a tree-like configuration. These are some of the inhabitants. Enjoy! And thanks for being so awesome and welcoming. :)


PS i included a photo of my new "sea monkey" pets. I hatched them to entice a goby to eat and he didn't want them. And now I have like 40 new friends. :)