Cju84's Innovative Marine Fusion 20 gallon


Hey all! Figured I'd create a thread for my second tank, the IM Fusion 20 gallon. Got this set up from a fellow ChicagoReefs member.

I have added some additional live rock since acquiring last week and a few corals. New substrate is coming tomorrow where I'll be replacing 95% of the current substrate. I went with Tropic Eden Mesoflakes. I also input the InTank media basket with filter floss, Chemi-pure Elite, and Purigen.

Innovative Marine 20 Fusion
Nanobox Duo LED light
100w NeoTherm Heater
Tunze Nano ATO w/ 3 gallon bucket
Aqua Gadget Media Rack
InTank Media Basket
Custom Light Hanger

(2) Rainbow BTA's
Rainbow Ricordia rock (added additional orange Ricordea)
Hammer Coral
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
ORA Variegated Urchin

Future stocking plans include 2 onyx clowns and 1 blue damsel (possibly a blue chromis). I'll also be transferring some corals from my 5 gallon tank over to free up some space in that.

Question: There isn't a ton of flow with the IM 20 Stock pumps. What do you guys recommend that won't be a complete eyesore in the tank? Should I go with a powerhead or do something with the pump itself so it can remain hidden?

Pic (before new substrate and after new substrate):
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I have using in my marine nuvo 20 gl like you a jebao pp4 and its great good flow

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Thank you! Definitely a much cheaper option than the MP10. I love your scape!

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I have using in my marine nuvo 20 gl like you a jebao pp4 and its great good flow

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Thanks! Definitely a cheaper option than the MP10. Hate that you have the cord in the tank, but I like how you have it placed. Great looking tank you have!
Thank you! Definitely a much cheaper option than the MP10. I love your scape!

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Thanks! Definitely a cheaper option than the MP10. Hate that you have the cord in the tank, but I like how you have it placed. Great looking tank you have!

In that place i used to have a tv so that is the cable

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Look nice the sand and the landscape awesome

Sent from my iPhone using Thor

Thanks, I appreciate it! I wasn't sure what I'd do with the landscape since I have 3 pretty large rocks in there, but it's pretty simple and growing on me a bit. Glad you like it.
One clown hosting!

One clown found an anem! Onyx clown hasn't shown interest yet. The Anem on the right is super pissed off after messing with powerhead placement yesterday. Hoping it is okay....