Clean up Crew for New Tank...

Any recommendations as to where I should order a clean up Crew for my 210?

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Also there is a good video on BRS during their 52 week video series about CUCs. They recommend 1 snail per 10 gallons unlike many others which recommend 1 snail per 1 gallon. If it is a new tank, I'd certainly recommend starting small and adding over time.

If it is an new tank, I'd be happy to start you off with a few CUC members. I just won a 30g CUC from Billy's Reef and have some extra hermits as well as some of my snails which are reproducing like crazy.

PM if you are interested and start a Member Reef Tank thread with some pictures of your tank! :aquarium1:
Thanks a bunch for the help and a special thanks to IHaveCrabs for giving me some crabs.... O-o
Lol thanks again for the crabs and snails.

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