Clean up crew

I'm looking to upgrade my clean up crew just wondering if anyone has opinions on the best place to order and best lfs to buy from.
I like They're a sponsor here. If you wanted go local there's AquaPros and Reefwise. I haven't been to Underwater World (?) in Bensenville yet.
check out Saltwater Fish .com have bought plenty from Mary for 2 Tanks ,thru the winter they were delivering 1X per week and check out there specials and I've always gotten Free shipping .good luck
I don't know how to start a group buy but some one else had said the need some cuc and might be a good idea
was in a group buy with reefcleaners a couple years back. they sent it to the organizer's address and picked up my items from him.
Check out their quick crews and the rest of their site. Most of the quick crews have free shipping. I just ordered another a month ago. I usually order the next size lower since john usually throws a bunch of extra snails in the order.
So back to the OP question - any recommendations for a LFS to buy the non-snail part of a CUC? With my 6 gallon I've purchased a snail or two from the downtown Clybourn Petco, a place in Schaumburg, and also Old Town Aquarium. I kind of feel bad for the shop selling me one snail at a time.

I also just noticed that reef cleaners now has clean up crew packages including hermit crabs + shipping included prices.