Cleaning Chaeto Algae


New member
I need to buy some more Chaeto Algae for my refugium, but everytime I buy it from an LFS, it comes with a new pest. I have had my tank invested with flat worms, aptasia, jellyfish hydroids, bristle worms and so on.

What is the best way to make sure that you are not transfering any unwanted pest into your system? Will Chaeto survive a Lugols dip, a fresh water dip, hydrogen peroxide? What can I do? Can I let it sit in freshwater for 24hrs or even 48hrs. Can I do a lugol/freshwater dip with it?
Get it from one of us. but if you already have chaeto, you just need to let them grow out. If you have proper lighting, near or around 6500K and nitrates/phosphates, you should have good chaeto growth.
just cut it a whole bunch of times it grows end to end so the more you cut it the more it will grow