Cleaning Glass


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Hey all,

How do you clean your glass on all sides of the tank? Do you let algae grow on the back? My tank is tucked in, so it’s not easy to clean the sides or back.

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I just clean the front and sides, the snails usually take care of the back

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I really like the Tunze care magnet. I have the flipper too and only use it for tough to scrub algae.
I really like the Tunze care magnet. I have the flipper too and only use it for tough to scrub algae.

I just got a flipper and have to say, I’m a little disappointed. The Mini tunze that I had worked better out of the box than the flipper in my opinion. I have that tough green algae regularly, and I had to bust out a razor blade the other day.

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I use a Magnavore magnet on the front three sides and a scraper on a handle for the back.

I use the scraper on all sides now and then because the Magnavore doesn’t get the tuff stuff and I don’t like getting it close to the sand....that’s how I scratched my old tank, by getting a rock stuck behind the magnet and dragging it across the glass.
I have the tunze, two flippers, and a Fiji Cube. Really like the flipper, that’s my favorite, Fiji Cube is a close second. Strongly dislike the tunze nano magnet.

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I use a mag-float for light touch up and a flipper for a weekly or biweekly cleaning when the tougher stuff appears. I've very careful with the flipper blade near the bottom so that I don't scratch the glass. I don't touch the back at all. I had painted the back black during setup and it seems to have helped disguise any algae growth that the snails or Kole tang miss.
I use a flipper magnet on the front and sides and have a Kent scraper with a long handle for the back.

It’s a pain in the but getting the back and once I get some coral growth not sure how I’ll be able to do it without having “accidental frags”. May just let the coralline set in, but I like having a clean back wall.

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I use a Kent marine scraper for the sides, the blade one not the green fiber one, and let the back grow in naturally but there is xenia growing on the wall.