Cleaning live rock question


New member
I have a 75 gallon that I had about 50 lbs of nice live rock. I'd like to either sell or store it. My question is what is the best process to clean it and take it back to square one?
Thanks in advance.
If your going to Dry Store I would do a 15 min 50/50 dip of Hydrogen peroxide then sun dry that will surly bring it down to bear rock.
I guess my real question is....if I wanted to use it for a future tank or sell it. I wouldn't trust what could be in it to sell it to a member..... My tank was relatively healthy but I had the occasional outbreaks .
To answer your initial question,
Here is a how to link on the process to turn your live rock into base rock:

I did a bleach bath and the rock turned out beautiful. I was planning on doing a muriatic acid bath too, but seeing how nice the bleach worked i skipped the acid treatment. I was concerned the acid would make the rock jagged.
I stored about 100 lb of good live rock in a brute can for over a year. Had a mag 12 in the bottom under some egg crate and a small light at the top. Did water changes every few months. When I took it out to use again it still had small macro algae, pods and a few snails