Clown question


New member
So, my picassos are roughly a year old, and have taken to each other as well as the anemone quite well, and for the past two weeks or so the smaller clown hides almost all day long behind the anemone, and I mean behind, not in it. The larger one roams the tank, but the smaller one is gone. After two days I thought it might be dead, but it came out to eat, and has done so several times. Could it be possible they've spawned? If so, what can i do to help the eggs survive??

I could take the rock out to check, but the nem is on it, and I'd have to undo half my rockscape to get it. Any suggestions?
A year is likely too young for them to spawn. You would usually tell if they spawned based on both of their behaviors. I had a gold stripe maroon pair in a lta for ages. The male would like to snuggle up behind/underneath the anemone but not in front. However, he would sleep in it at nighttime with the female.