Club cookout


New member
Hey all, our club plans monthly meetings, has a summer cookout, and a winter dinner.
Our summer cookout is coming up soon. I have an ongoing thread about it on Nwimac with keeping track of what items are being brought. The club is covering the cost on meats and buns. We are asking all who are coming to contribute an item to the meal.
We are also planning on having something to raffle off and hope to have something to giveaway. To be eligible to win the giveaway item a person must be a full club member.
Any questions please feel free to ask away
Tomorrow's our club cookout. We'll have food, games, byob for adults, giveaway items for full members, water fun for the kids weather permitting, and prob even a fire going on at night. If you're interested in joining us lmk
The giveaway is for full members and you can become full member at the cookout before the giveaways if you'd like.