Colder Than Antarctica in Chicago Tomorrow - How Are You Preparing Your Reef??

With wind chills expected to be close to the negative 50s, they are saying it is supposed to be colder in Chicago than it will be at Mt. Everest, Siberia, and Antarctica. So what are all of you reefers doing to help make sure your tanks stay safe and warm in case of an emergency?

Feel free to post any extra equipment you have, or safeguards, to help keep your tank warm in case of an emergency.
I’ve been putting it off but finally pulled the trigger on a portable generator over the weekend. I rationalized it by selling my snowblower at the beginning of winter since it wasn’t seeing much use (would have been handy now!!!).

I’m in Batavia and our electric service has been good (although too expensive) but we have lost power in the winter before for a few hours.

Just something to run heat, tank and fridge.

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I have two heaters in my 75 already and a 300W on my other tank in the basement; 20L with 10G sump. I'm not too worried about my 14G cube upstairs. I also have a 10000W portable generator that can run almost the whole house should the need arise.
I have two 300w Finnex Ti heaters in my sump. One of them is ‘backup’ for when the primary heater fails.

But the second heater also comes into play when the polar vortex comes to town and notably drop the temps in my basement (where my sump is located).

Sure enough, I’ve recently needed more than 300w to keep the tank ‘in range’.


Primary heater comes on at 77.5 and shuts off at 78.
Secondary heater comes on at 76.7 and shuts off at 77.5.

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Fixed a door draft

House temp up to 72 a few days ago and set there on hold. I already have 2, 300 watt heaters in my tank, tank usually is 77-78f range. So far its been doing good.
As luck would have it I lost my 1000w heater Wed and the tank got down to 70 when the wife noticed it. To make matters worse I have been out of town in Mrytle Beach all week for training. But she stepped up and made a emergency call to our LFS owner and they met us so she could buy a new one and get the tank back on track! All is good.
As luck would have it I lost my 1000w heater Wed and the tank got down to 70 when the wife noticed it. To make matters worse I have been out of town in Mrytle Beach all week for training. But she stepped up and made a emergency call to our LFS owner and they met us so she could buy a new one and get the tank back on track! All is good.

Great to hear everything worked out in the end!