Colin's 16g Biocube


After getting out of the hobby 10 years ago the itch returned. Wanted to do an easy build and nano's are my thing (Used to have a 28g Nanocube Metal Halide tank) so I picked up a 16g Biocube.

Luckily I live about 10 min from Seven Seas in Mt Prospect, I have been in there enough recently that they should charge me rent. Picked up the Onyx Clown today and he is doing great.

Obligatory FTS shot is attached, will improve with some corals in there.

Livestock plans are the Onyx for a while, maybe a Picasso clown down the road and a Pom Pom Crab.
On the coral front I have always liked Hammers and Acans. The price for Acans have dropped in the last 10 years, wow.
The one coral I miss the most and can't wait to have back is the Nuclear Green Paly. I remember paying an arm and a leg for it and fragging that sucker like crazy.

Looking forward to the CMAS swap!
Welcome back to the endless money pit lol.
And I also cant wait for CMAS need to get my zoa game back up

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