Colt Coral.... Arg


New member
Alright looking for advice on how to mount these frags. They are currently not attached to anything as thats the way I received them. I've been fighting with two frags for a few weeks and can't get them to stick on my rock work. I'm not going to list what I've done rather if someone has done it successfully what steps did you use. I'm shocked I haven't killed them yet. They swell up great and have a greenish stalk and brownish polyps when I've just stuck them in the sand.

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Just curious. How long for this method? Cause I seem to mess up a lot lol.

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My suggestion is the needle and thread trick also. Pull the needle and thread thru the base of the coral and the around the rock a few times...and it should start to fuse with the rock in a few weeks.
Tried the needle and thread on several corals like mushrooms and leathers and they work but they will eventually come off.. Try putting a pvc in the sandbed and putting a couple of lr rubble and wait a couple weeks to 2 months and they will eventually attach themselves. Worked great for me..
Months. That explains a lot. I also haven't used anything more than glues. Thanks guys. Now I need to get this process started out so they can start growing again.
If you leave them in the sand they should adhere to some of the sand. Then you will be able to glue them anywhere you want because the glue will stick to the sand as opposed to trying to get the glue to stick to the flesh.
put them in a small container(maybe pee cup size, I know you don't have alot of room to play with :p) with some rubble at the bottom and try to put it in low flow area. They should start attaching to the rubble. Sometimes they'll attach in a matter of days sometimes they like to take forever! Just be patient like anything in this hobby Dave. Glue doesn't work because of the corals super sliminess btw. GL Dave hope you get it under control. :laser:
Thanks guys. I might try some form of everything suggested. Tie them up and put them in a tube with some sand to fill it in. :)