combine two tanks to one larger tank advice please


New member
Hi I am combineing my 72 gal and my 47 gal into a 125 can anyone please give me advice at how to do this without stressing out the livestock to badly. I planed on using the water out of the old tanks in the new one and just switching everything then adding about 20 gallons of fresh water.
Use new sand and float the livestock in bags for temperature acclimation. Have an idea of how you're aquascaping before moving the LR. Use a plate to pour water onto in the new tank; it'll keep the sand from moving too much.
I would also use new sand. And there is almost no bacteria in the water column so it doesn't help a whole lot. I would consider cycling the big tank before moving your livestock to it. I would move about half the rock in to the big tank. The cycle should be very quick. And slowly transfer your live stock. This is the safest route.
thank you for the info and suggestions. I don't use sand in the main tank I go with the barebottom. Do you think I still should let it cycle with some of my live rock first? and use all new water.
I am thinking about adding a 55 gallon sump and a 29 gal display refugium with this system, I am still new to salt and don't want to make to many mistakes do you think 55 gal sump will take care of this?
If all you use is LR for biological filtration then you shouldn't worry about additional cycling. The LR is already maintaining the cycle your livestock needs. (This is assuming your water parameters are correct.) A 55G sump and 29G fuge would be nice additions for this system but not totally necessary. You could just have a combo sump/fuge in the 55. I am a little confused on your idea of a display fuge. You would have this sitting next to your 125? And you would dsiplaying what in the 29?
If all you use is LR for biological filtration then you shouldn't worry about additional cycling. The LR is already maintaining the cycle your livestock needs. (This is assuming your water parameters are correct.) A 55G sump and 29G fuge would be nice additions for this system but not totally necessary. You could just have a combo sump/fuge in the 55. I am a little confused on your idea of a display fuge. You would have this sitting next to your 125? And you would dsiplaying what in the 29?

+1. If there is no sand, there is no need to cycle the tank. I love display fuge. I would like to hear more about your sump and fuge plans.
If things go as I would like the display fuge would be beside the main take with micro algaes, shrimp and seahorses if possible.