Condylacti question


New member
I picked this up today for like 7$ cuz I loved the way it looked.

My question is , will it kill my clown fish? Do I have to keep it away from corals? Will it also be ok with my hermit crabs? Any info on this will help! Ty in advance ;)
What size tank do you have it in? Because they get huge, and yes, they are the only anemones that I know of that will try to eat your clownfish. And all anemones can/will sting corals if they decide to take a walk around the tank. Good luck with it, they are quite beautiful animals.
Yikes! Lol it's in my 29g biocube , love the way it looks but I think I should have read about it b4 buying it ><
I had one in a 46 bow front. It was fine at first then started to eat my shrimp and chase my corals. Mine ended up being donated to a lfs to save everything else. They would be great in a fowlr tank. Jmo

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I always see these at petco. Bummer clownfish can't host them.

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Yikes! Lol it's in my 29g biocube , love the way it looks but I think I should have read about it b4 buying it ><

I had one in a 20g for a while and it did stay put after finding a place it liked. I didn't have a problem with it bothering other livestock BC it stayed put. Maybe yours just needs a little more time. Good luck.