Cone shaped trapdoor =bad snail, right?


If you still have that snail, I'd like to have it.

oh sorry. that sucks, I just smashed him after thinking for like 10 minutes about where he would be ok. At least my guppies are enjoying the treat. I really wish I waited a little longer Mark. Oh well, C'est la vie (or mort I guess).

BTW: it definitely ate 9 or more zoa polyps leaving empty husks behind.
I believe they're called sundial snails...bad hitchhikers that demolish zoa colonies. Good thing you found it, but keep your eyes out for others too.
If you find more, I'll take them. I'd like absolutely every zoa or paly eaten from my tank. This is after I sell all my nice zoas and I'll be left with about a google of these nasty-a$$ palys that are taking over my rock. the invasion started with a single polyp, two years ago. EVERYONE!!!! I NEED SUNDIALS!!!
Or else Mark, you could try using some of the same methods we use to kill aiptasia and majanos, to get rid of them.