contain that thing!


New member
any way to contain an anemone from getting too big? this thing is getting out of control and I wonder if it will start killing some corals its touching..
I don't. it may grab whats floating but thats it. I think it loves Rod's food!
the beast is almost 14" across!

at first buy it was called a lt. green bubble tip, but it grew out of that. It reminds me of that monster Steve had at reefplus at the door.

Nice I was thinking of getting an anemone to try and get my maroons to come out of hiding all the time and to stop the female from making big holes in the sand so we will see with what i decide with lol
Only two hosting anemones split naturally, E. quadricolor and H. magnifica -- would only considering "cutting" an E. quadricolor.

In addition, there are some thoughts that there are 2 types of E. quadricolor, solitary ones that grow large and don't split, and colonial ones that stay somewhat smaller and do split.

With that said, about 6 years ago I had one that would regularly get to around 15 inches and then split.