Converting reef tank to fowlr


New member
I have an established reef tank, over 9 years now, it's a 120 with a basement sump, huge skimmer, nice lights, two part dosing, etc. I am debating on getting out of the hobby, due to not being able to keep nice corals, or converting to a fowlr. The setup is almost automated, so I hesitate to get out, which is why I am thinking about going fowlr. I think the problem with my reef tank is "old tank syndrome" or a problem with the existing sand, but I am unwilling to start a new reef.

My questions are about a fowlr:

1. Do I need to worry about the old sand?
2. Any good links about bare bottom vs. live sand?
3. Good basic link to requirements for fowlr, or what equipment I can get rid of?

I did a ton of research before starting my reef tank, but admittedly have less desire to spend a ton of time researching fowlr, so I am looking for some some shortcuts/tips. I will devote the time to research fish compatibility, but first would like to decide whether to stay in the hobby or not. TIA for any advice.
Good topic Jim. I don't have much to contribute myself only keeping a reef. Let's hope for some good input ans we can sticky the thread for others to reference.
So while looking up something jr told me about a question on my sand turning black i came to find out it was same issue they call oldtank syndrome. Maybe jr can rember the wird he used cause i cant lol. Anyway apparently old tank syndrome really is old sand causeing heavy metal toxins. From what ive read i can get to high enough levels to kill fish but thats a serious level most time dont get to that point. Now ive been stiring the sand and letting skimmer pull out what it can i do have fish in there and they r living fine plus with all the stirings of the sand the rock is getting less and less black . Long story short imo seems like a toss up if u do think u have old tank syndrome might be best to replace sand to be safe . Or i can be completely wrong just some stuff i read on the interweb lol
[MENTION=1217]madjoe[/MENTION] The black stuff is hydrogen sulfide.

Old tank syndrome even hits those of "super intellect." One of ym goto guys for chemistry is Randy Holmes, here's one his on hydrogen sulfide.
More notably his tank hit old tank syndrome. It's taken him more than a year to remove all the polutants in his system. He's posted about it in several threads so it's not an easy linear thread to read.
I would personally replace the sand. Better to be safe than sorry. Ive tried reusing old sand, and I couldnt rinse it enough. Still nasty after numerous times. Going bare bottom will limit you on certain fish that rely on a good sand bed. The dosers you can get rid of. Even the lights if you want. A fowlr doesnt need anything special as far as lighting goes. A fowlr is so much easier/cheaper than a reef, and the fish are much nicer imo. Any other ?'s, lmk.