Copperband butterfly and jawbreakers ?


Well-known member
So i thought now that i only have sps in my main tank i can have a copperband butterfly and picked one ..

I totally forgot i have some jaebreaker shrooms in that tank ..

Is it ok to have a copperband butterfly and jawbreaker ( well shrooms ) in that tank ?

Fish is still acclimating ...

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The 2 ive had never touched any coral, but the longest ive been able to keep one was 6 months. Both of mine ate mysis and other frozen foods just couldnt keep them. They never touched any lps, softies or shrooms so you should be good. Good luck. Hope youll be able to keep it for a long time

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Yea he is in the tank now .. Jerk is saying the same thing :-/

Well its happy and exploring already .. So lets see :)

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