Coral Banded And Other Shrimp

Oh wow! I'll stay away from CBS. My Skunk Cleaner is a sweetie. He cleans all of my fish and the tank...and my hand. He doesn't mess with anyone.
I have 1 coral banded, 1 fireshrimp and 1 cleaner shrimp. They're doing fine in 20g long tank. no fight. working out well..
cleaner shrimp stays on the left, fireshrimp stays in the middle and the coral banded stays in back of the tank and sometime on the right..very cool..
This is kinda late but I have a cb shrimp and two skunks. I got the cb shrimp and a pair of clowns and had then in my five gallon for six months till they got to big . The cb would raise his claws and swim at the clowns if they swam to close but never hurt them. I moved all of them to my 28 gallon nano cube and already had a skunk shrimp in there so I was worried about a fight. At first the skunk would go close to the cb shrimp and rub its antenna on it like he was feeling him out. And the cb shrimp did the same. Well after a few days I noticed once in a while the cb shrimp will chase after the skunk but it is way fast and more acrobatic then the cb shrimp. Now they stay away from from one another . When I put my hand in the tank both shrimp crawl on my hands now . So i started to hand feed my cb shrimp. Witch I think I shouldn't of done now he waits for me in the front of the tank at night . And if I but my hand in there to say move a coral he runs over and jumps on my hand looking for food. So imo cb shrimp are not that mean and can be trained and tamed like every other animal. My tiger brittle star that I also hand feed come out every night I get home and turn my living room light on . So him and my Shrimps must work together LOL
I have three shrimps, fireshrimp, skunk cleaner and coral banded in 20g long..
they are not bother each other at all..each one stays in his own spot.. no fighting, I have them for a long time
They are doing trick to keep them not fighting is not to feed them at one spot..
I have three shrimps they are in three different spot I drop food in each spot and they get used to no fighting for food no bothering each other...