Coral Beauty - missing an eye; Pep. Shrimp the culprit?


Princess Trainer
I got this CB from Enzo and I was keep it in a holding tank (10G). The tank is a pseudo QT tank for me. It has a clown, a few corals and three peppermint shrimp. Anyone ever see PS get really aggressive? I don't think it was the clown that did it. I don't think it's a parasite but I've been treating the tank with Melafix just in case. The CB is doing okay; it's able to eat and navigate around.
In 20 years I have never seen a peppermint shrimp maul a fish or even jump on one. Maybe in close quarters they would. I'd be really surprised if it could stay on a healthy fast moving fish long enough to gauge its eye out.
Could the CB have injured it on a object in the tank? Maybe got startled and ran into something??
Well seen eyes get pop eye and come out also fish attack eyes when fighting so basically who knows what it was hopefully makes it ok
I moved the CB into my big tank and it seems to be getting around okay. I'd have to say that the biggest shrimp is aggressive. It's the biggest and not a bit shy like other shrimp I've had. I wonder if it got to the CB when the fish was sleeping/hiding.
Peppermint shrimp agression, I caught one of mine eating a small frogspawn last night. I could actually see the shrimp eating the polyups as it pulled them out of The coral. This also explains why a previous fs was never seen out after being added to this tank. Both fs have been moved, we'll see how / if they recover.