Coral bubble any out there ?


Premium member
Hi i am looking for a coral bubble i saw one of them and i felt in love so i you have one to sell let me know thanks

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Another guy who has some coral bubble i really need one , hard to find i fo not know why is not so popular i prefer that one that a zoas

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Another guy who has some coral bubble i really need one , hard to find i fo not know why is not so popular i prefer that one that a zoas

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Now i am really confused of what you want. At first I thought a bubble coral but now you say something about zoas so maybe you can post a pic of what you want
Yup my friend but its to busy and i have not time during the week just friday and sat i work night shift from 2pm to 4 am so not time even to sleep enough

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Yesterday i went with Wojtek look this amazing Coral Bubble and other Corals


Duncan Coral

Cabbage leather coral

Rock anemone

I was yesterday like a boy in candy store now Wojyek got a custumer forever

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