Coral Garden, Lot's to pick from


The lowest tide at Lizard Garden on Great Barrier Reef.


Source: Reddit
Almost looks photoshop'ed :tongue1: nice photo though, the purple on those acros must have been super intense.

Isn't GBR an off limits region for coral collection?
So those acros pretty much dry up and are fine, interesting.

When you picked up the Acropora Loripes, a small piece was cut off & sitting on top the tank. I saw the piece after like 4 days & threw it back in the tank...It's brown but sure can see color.
Look at the conditions these corals are in. If the wind blows past my tank, everything gets all bothered.

Spoiled coral. I should start showing it these threads just like how I show my dogs those ASPCA commercials.
they coat themselves in sunscreen slime (the stuff we shake off when putting in a new colony. That low of a tide isn't all that often I am sure, but some places are like that daily. always makes me feel like we may be mothering our stuff a little much. thanks for sharing.