Active member
Hi everyone,
I just want to inform everyone just to be safe when handling there corals reguardless of how long you have been doing it and how much time and effort you have taken to frag corals the ins and outs of doing it. This can happen to anyone even you savvy Vets. The other day I was moving some Zoanthids around and I had a colonie of Fruit Loops in my hands as I was talking with a friend and since I am alway grabbing and taking coral out of the water to move them to another tank or just trying to find a spot, while talking with my friend I didn't even relized I still had them in my hands, them it happened BAM I got squirted right in the face.
I got lucky, some of it came really close to my eyes which might have gotten in a little bit. I quickly ran to the bathroom Wash my hands in ice cold water and soap and grab a towel and clean my eyes out fast also with water. The next day my right was eye was crusty and closed shut, it was slightly red but nothing to bad. I call the eye doctor told him what had happened and he gave me eye drops with some type of aniboctic not sure but it cleared up in a day. I think I just got enough out in time who know what else could have happened.
Going forward I will be wearing a mask and glasses when handling these little guys, we all need to be mindful when handling any Zoanthids that they pose a thread of Palytoxin reguardless if you never been hurt in 20 years or 15 years one day you can slip and BAM you got Whacked by a Paly. This could have been worst but I guess I got most of it out ASAP. Guys be safe and Happy Reefing!
I just want to inform everyone just to be safe when handling there corals reguardless of how long you have been doing it and how much time and effort you have taken to frag corals the ins and outs of doing it. This can happen to anyone even you savvy Vets. The other day I was moving some Zoanthids around and I had a colonie of Fruit Loops in my hands as I was talking with a friend and since I am alway grabbing and taking coral out of the water to move them to another tank or just trying to find a spot, while talking with my friend I didn't even relized I still had them in my hands, them it happened BAM I got squirted right in the face.
I got lucky, some of it came really close to my eyes which might have gotten in a little bit. I quickly ran to the bathroom Wash my hands in ice cold water and soap and grab a towel and clean my eyes out fast also with water. The next day my right was eye was crusty and closed shut, it was slightly red but nothing to bad. I call the eye doctor told him what had happened and he gave me eye drops with some type of aniboctic not sure but it cleared up in a day. I think I just got enough out in time who know what else could have happened.
Going forward I will be wearing a mask and glasses when handling these little guys, we all need to be mindful when handling any Zoanthids that they pose a thread of Palytoxin reguardless if you never been hurt in 20 years or 15 years one day you can slip and BAM you got Whacked by a Paly. This could have been worst but I guess I got most of it out ASAP. Guys be safe and Happy Reefing!