Coral ID


New member

Hi I was wondering if someone could help me ID this new coral I got. I forgot to ask the name when I bought it. I got it at Midwest Coral Farms. It's green and blueish purple with red/orange spots on it.
Thanks Badgus! I thought that was what it was but wanted to be sure! Chalice's need lower light correct? I have it in a lower light area of my tank.
Looks more like a favia to me, than a chalice.

Hmmm... well just incase it is a favia, do favia's do okay in low lit areas too? I just want to make sure I have it placed correctly in my tank. I guess I can always call midwest coral farms and try to explain what I got and see if they know what it is since I bought it from them. Normally I always ask on what is what. I think I just thought it was so pretty and wanted it no matter what so I forgot to ask about it...oops ;)
Depends on your lighting.I moved a blue one low & it turned green. I want it to be blue, so I moved it up. Looks a lot like yours.
Its a chalice, those are mouths. Acans have heads, favia are all shapes with no smooth surfaces. Also the way its growing is the way of a chalice. And heads up on that algae problem. You might want to get some CUC in there
Its a chalice, those are mouths. Acans have heads, favia are all shapes with no smooth surfaces. Also the way its growing is the way of a chalice. And heads up on that algae problem. You might want to get some CUC in there

Oh believe me, I know about the algae's so annoying right now. :( We have been struggling keeping our phosphates down, we have a phosphate reactor that need to replace a pump on and hopefully when we get it up and running again the algae be a little less. We have about 130 crabs and 50 astrea snails in the 210 right now but it still seems to not be enough. Might have to pick up some more if these algae problems persist.
Maybe little better angle of the coral. To me it looks like an Acan Enchinata.

I will try to take a better picture of it with my digital camera tonight. I have this one on my phone too, not sure the angle is any better though and the photo is pretty blurry so I doubt it will help at all. The lighting is a little brighter in this photo though. I will try to take another pic tonight though! Thanks for your help!

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Oh believe me, I know about the algae's so annoying right now. :( We have been struggling keeping our phosphates down, we have a phosphate reactor that need to replace a pump on and hopefully when we get it up and running again the algae be a little less. We have about 130 crabs and 50 astrea snails in the 210 right now but it still seems to not be enough. Might have to pick up some more if these algae problems persist.

What do you have to sift the sand? Or filter feeders? Sounds like a sand sifting star or a bunch of Nassarius snails, or a cucumber will help greatly
What do you have to sift the sand? Or filter feeders? Sounds like a sand sifting star or a bunch of Nassarius snails, or a cucumber will help greatly

I don't really have much in terms of sand sifters right now to be honest, and that is probably one of my main problems is algae on the sand. Currently I just have one sand sifting goby and a horseshoe crab but honestly I don't think either do much in the area of sand sifting. Thanks for the recommendations, I appreciate it! I think I might look into a sand sifting star or two! And some more snails!