Coral ideas


New member
I want to start adding more corals to my tank any suggestions on what are good for beginners? I want something hardy if possible.
Assuming you have the basic needs to keep simple corals, I'd go with GSP, mushrooms, Xenias, mainly softies and the like.
Gsp and Xenias are nice at first, but they can soon become a nuisance. I personally like leathers, but like Joe and Eric said, gotta make sure your tank is ready for them.
Gsp and Xenias are nice at first, but they can soon become a nuisance.

These along with Kenya tree, look nice but turns out to be a nuisance. To each their own though, if you like them and can keep them from over running your aquarium they are easy corals.
My tank is a 37g with led lights I was told they are good enough for corals which i believe since it lights up my whole room. The tank is towards the end of its cycling and has four pretty small fish in it right now and an emerald crab. I have three types of coral so far all little frags and they seem to be doing fine had them for about two weeks now so I assumed I can start adding more. I'm not sure what type of corals they are just that they are all suppose to be really easy and i think they are Gsp
U should figure out what type of coral u like sos lps softies once u go that route hard to change aroun and stuff like gsp and shrooms and xenia r very hardy but will take over a tank
What joe said but plan for sps and go from there. Whether u like them now or not eventually u will like them. I always said i never wanted sps and now my tank is like 80% sps lol
Assuming you have the basic needs to keep simple corals, I'd go with GSP, mushrooms, Xenias, mainly softies and the like.

no to all of these. do not put the cancer of gsp xenia or mushrooms in your tank, they are reccomended as beginner corals because they are very hard to kill, so when you decide you want something else.. you cant get rid of them.

if you have good water params start with some easy lps like a duncan, euphillia and the like. Candy cane is another hardy lps. these are easily managed if you want to transition to sps. For hardier sps most of the monti digis are pretty hardy, and aquacultured encrusting types like the purple danae are easy.
Assuming you have the basic needs to keep simple corals, I'd go with GSP, mushrooms, Xenias, mainly softies and the like.

I think these are great beginner corals for you if you are just starting out. If your tank is new, I would say wait a few months before you move on to fancy LPS, Chalice and SPS. It's all about the journey in reefing and your tastes will change while you go down your own path. Those tastes will change while you gain more experience and learn more about corals and tank husbandry. Successfully keeping and getting rid of the nuisance coral is a rite of passage for every reefer and I think everyone should go through it.

Go with what you like for the moment and allow yourself and your tank to grow.
I think these are great beginner corals for you if you are just starting out. If your tank is new, I would say wait a few months before you move on to fancy LPS, Chalice and SPS. It's all about the journey in reefing and your tastes will change while you go down your own path. Those tastes will change while you gain more experience and learn more about corals and tank husbandry. Successfully keeping and getting rid of the nuisance coral is a rite of passage for every reefer and I think everyone should go through it.

Go with what you like for the moment and allow yourself and your tank to grow.

This is great advice! +1

Once you get into the routine of doing water changes, testing your parameters, and learning about the husbandry of species you have and plan to keep, you will then set yourself up for success. Read as much as you can, and ask as many questions as you can. We'll be glad to help you along on your journey.
Too many people try to jump too quickly into advanced and finicky corals and when things quickly go south, they get discouraged and part out to get out of the hobby. Move with baby-steps and enjoy the journey. Our tanks never end up remaining what we started them out as. It's all about growing as reefers and learning. There are a lot of gorgeous beginner corals out there so enjoy them.
Assuming you have the basic needs to keep simple corals, I'd go with GSP, mushrooms, Xenias, mainly softies and the like.

these r very hardy corals heck i cant kill with a zapper even have gsp growing in a tank treated with copper as we speak . imo i think they r pushed on rookies looking to get into corals and then they get tired of em and spend tons of money on new rock cause impossible to get rid of. if u like em its one thing but if u get em just to have coral its no good. dont rush look around study find a kind u like and would want to keep . and set up and get ready for that kind with enough research and good tank habits 90% coral r easy to keep . just need to know about em and have the knowledge of what they need . and dont slack on tank maintance only u make or break u tank . like said they r cool corals but get out of control quick and get boring eventually and most people no matter what we tell u as a newbie u will walk into a store see a cool coral and have to have it we all have and probably all still do same with fish its human nature . good luck and just take it slow if u make up u mind and get set up right for what u really want the first time it will save u money in long run . i cant tell u how much money i wasted on lights skimmers etc changeing my mind on what kind of corals i wanted to keep not to metion money on corals i just ended up selling for half what i paid or giving to buddies
I think the mian thing you need to have in this hobby is patience. it is not like freshwater fish keeping. if you miss a water change, the tank can change over night. Everyone keeps saying to kepp you parameters in check and build a routine. These things are the key to success, or the recipe for failure if you dont. once you learn what your parameters are on a consistant basis, then you can decide what type of corals to keep and if you need to adjust anything to keep them. I would look into what LED you actually have to understand if you are going to provide enough PAR for certain corals you may want. I wish you the best of luck on your journey, and please feel free to ask the millions of questions you may have. if you have the question, someone else may too so you help the community as a whole.
I am not a beginner, yet still keep all those above-mentioned corals & still like them in my tanks. Along with the fancy ones too!
Thank you all for the advice it has helped a lot. I will say that I am German, Scottish, Irish, etc. basically lots of stubborn packed into a little person. So I have a hard time fighting what I want and doing what the smart thing to do is sometimes especially when it comes to my tank. I guess its all part of the process and maybe i'll learn one of these days haha.