Coral Spawning; SPS, NFS, LPS other?


Premium member
I've seen a few photos of SPS spawning in tanks and heard a few anecdotal reports. Does anyone else on CR have any coral which spawns?

I’ve never seen mine spawn, but there is little doubt it does. I know this thread is worthless w/o pictures, but I wanted to start the thread and I’ll get photos soon. My yellow sun polyps have spawned multiple times producing 3 colonies in my overflow and 2 more throughout the DT all of different ages. I’ve also have a green maricultured stylophora pistillata colony who has repeatedly spawned. There are numerous, varying age corals popping up all over the rock work and skimmer box. Lastly, I have a torch coral who has spread itself throughout the tanks with 3 or more new corals.

While it is cool the stuff reproduces, it does suck to try keep stony corals from building themselves in bad places like lock-line fittings and inside overflow boxes. The torch sprouts are easy killed, yes killed. It is a quite aggressive coral and the sprouts are attached in the rockwork. There is no way to frag them off.

Anyone else have stories or photos?
I was on a dive trip during sponge spawning season in the Bahamas:




Also, my Galaxia spawned 3x. The fish & other corals loved the extra food!