Corals under blue led


New member
I had a blue led strip laying around and put it on my tank just to see the corals in them. They look sweet.

Thanks. This is the first time I've really seen my corals pop like this. Haven't had very good blues. And ima get the leds from the group buy so soon even better!
Thanks. This is the first time I've really seen my corals pop like this. Haven't had very good blues. And ima get the leds from the group buy so soon even better!

I love corals under just blues. It's awesome!

I cannot wait till those lights come in as well. Just picked up a used marineland 27 gallon cube today. It's just sitting here waiting for the light to come in lol!
That looks sweet! Wait till you get the led fixtures. The blues look AMAZING!! even if its only dimmed to 10%, everything still pops like crazy. At 100% blues it looks even better. Down side is its going to be hard taking pictures under LEDs lol
I too like the look of blue leds every so often. I have played around with various companies leds. I personally like Cree XP blue for the most amount of "Pop".
Every so often when I look into the tank with just the blue leds on I find something new growing that I didn't put in. I never saw under the regular lighting. I have a colony of what looks like Yumas starting. They're about 1/3 of an inch light blue with yellow mouths. And a fungia that is now about 3/4 of an inch. It's a common green but cool none the less.
Thanks for sharing guys and the pic Peter. How about let's keep posting everyone's sweet blue light tank pics here?
I too love turning the white leds off and looking at everything under just blues. My snowflake looks really cool under them. Nice colors on your corals btw.