Crab friend or foe

William Lutman

Active member
I bet I thought this was a Emerald until it got BIG



That is a big crab! what has it been eating? Algae or meat? Have you noticed anything disappearing corals or fish. How long have you had it? I have an unknown in my tank but he does not bother anything and just picks at the algea. The rock is algae free by his hole and there are polyp's all over by it. Live and let live if it is not hurting anything. Just keep and eye on it.
Ya, no idea if it came in as emerald or came in on rock. Shell is 1.5" across. I have not seen it picking on anything coral wise and I am keeping close eye on it
Yeah I found one in my frag tank must of came on one of my Zoa rocks... But anyhow he was vanished to the Sump in the Refugium... He's a FOE FOE Fo Sho!!