Cube tank help needed, possibly WTB if anyone has something that'll work....


New member
Okay, well I was looking at buying Vlad's Oceanic 37g cube but got the measurements from him today and it's the 20" x 18" base model. They also had a shallower version which had a 24" x 18" base on it and that's the one I'm trying to find....

So i measured and figured after the glass holes kit and return out the back, I'm probably looking around 22-23" total depth. At that point I'm thinking I should just go for a true 24" x 24" 60g cube and be done with it. The only problem is I have no more room to spare and the Marineland cubes exit the rear on their RR 60g cube.

So I need to find either a 37g cube with a base of 24" x 18" OR a 24" x 24" reef ready cube that exits the bottom....

Anyone have any suggestions if either of these exist or are available ???
Take drive to Best Fish in Milwaukee, they have every Deep Blue model in stock. Beautiful cube 24x24x24 with corner overflow through the bottom is there too.
Yup Best Fish always has nice Tanks in stock and he hooks you up with the price if you drive out his way, brian takes care of the chicago folks. You can email him also he is pretty fast at responces if you want to go that route. My 60G is in the rear which Suck but it's doing the job
Daev at Aquapros has them drill on the bottom the Marineland 60G Cube. Makes me want to sell mine and get this one... haha
Saw those but they're rimless....

I emailed best fish and also posted in the Aquapros section here to see if he has a deep blue in stock....

Thanks for the leads guys !!!!