Custom Builder in Chicagoland?


New member
Hey all...

I was wondering if anyone knows any local custom aq builders? I'm moving next week, and want to upgrade my tank shortly thereafter. I'm looking to get a 40g Long (36x18x12) rimless starphire reef-ready, but haven't had any luck finding this size online. will build one to my specs for about $400 delivered, but I've heard bad things about their quality. If I could find someone local with prices that would be comparable, I'd rather do that.

Any suggestions?

Glasscages has greatly improved and to me is just as good as any other maker. They had issues years ago and they can't seem to shake off that bad reputation. My boss ordered a rimless 105g tank for his home and man did they do a good job. Black silicone and polished edges all around. I would highly recommend them after seeing their latest quality control.