Dendro--polyps not coming out?


New member
Anyone know why my dendro's polyps would stop extending? This guy has been doing very well--grew from a single head to 6. Always had the polyps out, until a couple of months ago. I did find some black sponge growing on the base & removed it 2 weeks ago but it's still totally closed up. :(

It's not receding or dying. I see 2 new baby bumps, too. It's been months since I saw it eat.
Did you recently put new fish that maybe nipping it? I had my Foxface start nipping my dendros after few months in tank.When I removed it ,it started to extend again.
I sit in front of this tank all the time. No one's picking at it. No new fish, other than a yellow tang.

LOL & as I look up to watch the yellow tang, he's breeding with the convict tang!
Yes & no. :( It used to be open all day long & scoop food out of the water column. It ate really well. Now, even if I place food on it with no flow, it won't eat.