Desperately need an Emerald Crab


Premium member
Anyone planning on buying from reef cleaners or have an emerald that they absolutely know eats bubble algae? I have not had luck with the last 4-5 I have purchased eating bubble algae...
I have had luck with the ones from Aqua Pros. But I truly dont even think emerald eat the bubbles. Ive seen them pop the bubble every time. I just scraped the bubbles off and catch them with a net.
Anyone planning on buying from reef cleaners or have an emerald that they absolutely know eats bubble algae? I have not had luck with the last 4-5 I have purchased eating bubble algae...

Here is what I think

All emerald crabs eat bubble algae but when food is easily evari label they tend to eat that food instead of bubble algae .....

Problem is even with them eating ba it would cause them to spread more and hence you will never think they are eating it
FWIW, I have also heard that it is only males that eat bubble algae. I don't know if that's true. (Males have the one large claw)
[MENTION=2707]sevenseas[/MENTION] sells emeralds for $3. I have a couple devouring some bubble algae right now.
I bought one and was gonna pick up a couple more. In 2 years this is my first battle with it but I was thinking the same as tin. If they pop the bubbles doesn't that spread the spores?
If you can remove the rocks with bubble algae and place them into a bucket, you can pick off of the bubble algae in the bucket. Make sure you get every little bit of it off. Then rinse the rock off with tank water or fresh saltwater before putting it back into your display tank. That will rinse off the spores.

I have also had a bubble or two come in on a new coral purchase. These were attached to the rock that the coral was attached to. I took lighter and burned off the bubble algae with fire, scraped the rock, and rinsed with tank water. This works!