detritus buildup and aquascaping


New member
hi guys I was tying to decide my aquascaping options..island/wall /caves ect... I noticed many of you have rock against your back wall ... how do you deal with detritus ?? power heads behind the rocks do not seem to work so well personal experience ... am I worrying about nothing .. or is it best to make my rockwork accessible for a sand vacuum/syphon hose? sacrificing usable space?

thank guys
If u have good flow around the structure you should be fine . Could even use a turkey baster from time to time back there to help get crap into the column. (Just dont shake up that sand bed )
While my rock is not against the back, I do as Lunacris suggested. Monthly after vacuuming detritus, I use a powerhead and blast all the rocks and accessible areas. I repeat the blasting every 10 minutes or so until the water is clear and nothing more comes out of the rock. I use a filter sock on my drain to pull it from the water column.

Even with good flow detritus will build up. It's good practice to get it out of the tank regularly to prevent excessive nitrates and possibly Old Tank Syndrome.

OTS for reference;
I always put rocks against walls . Gives fish mor room to swim in front plus looks cool . I go true whole tank with turkey baster few times a week sand bed and all. So far so good
I have a rock wall but it is stacked with the rocks starting a bit forward at the bottom, so there is a "cave" for the fish to retreat to behind the wall. The top rocks are against the back glass. Plenty of room for my big, black cuke to get back there & do his vacuuming.