did I hurt or kill my ORA Marshall Island Blue Bottlebrush?

William Lutman

Active member
So I dipped and moved this up from my frag tank, not the things that look like over extended polyps


Short but crummy video

Not seeing this on any other corals moved up stairs
Turkey baste it off probably just slime defense mechanism corals do. Dhould be fine gotta be careful dipping smooth skin corals very sensitive
william cool coral, but it is not a blue bottlebrush. Bottlebrush is not smooth skin. Now as madman said, smooth skin acros in general are very finicky with dips. i would not do a dip with any of the ones you mentioned. Instead i would do a melafix marine dip, its easier on the coral and it will still kill some pests.
william cool coral, but it is not a blue bottlebrush. Bottlebrush is not smooth skin. Now as madman said, smooth skin acros in general are very finicky with dips. i would not do a dip with any of the ones you mentioned. Instead i would do a melafix marine dip, its easier on the coral and it will still kill some pests.

Yes missed on coping name it is a "ORA Hawkins' Blue Echinata (Acropora sp.)"

An LFS carry that dip?
I havent found a dip yet that is safe for smooth skin maybe just cut dose in half make less strong