Dipping Clownfish


New member
I will most likely be transferring my clownfish from an aiptasia infested tank to a new fresh start once the tank cycles. How can I dip/clean my fish to guarantee that there is no possible way for the aiptasia to be transferred? Thanks!
If it were me, I wouldn't be worried about it. But I understand your desire to be 100% sure they don't come back and I've heard that it is possible, even if remote, for fish to be able to transfer spores. In lieu of a dip, can you QT them for a while?
Id dip em in beer batter then deep fryer. U dip u fish u kill u fish u can fresh water dip fish with fish meds but as far as i know thats it . Uve never hrard of fish transfering pest corals pest desease yes but aptasia no. If that was case ive seen aptasia in plenty if lfs stores we all be screwed.
^^^what he said......

aiptasia is a pest anemone, not a contagious disease or parasite...you will be fine transferring your clowns to another tank without worry....its the corals, macros and rocks you need to be concerned about when transferring. In my opinion Peppermint Shrimps are the way to go here... :)


Sadly its too late for peppermint shrimp to help clean up the tank, but thanks for the advise to just transfer them over. Cheers!