DIY 29 gal Sump


New member
Alright, so Im planning on making a 29gal sump for my 29gal DT. Just wondering if anyone had seen some good designs specifically for a 29gal (standard) sump. Ill be running a Coralife Super Skimmer 65 in it as well. Thx!
Sorry, Fuge yes. Was thinking the standard/simple design of skimmer-fuge-return. I guess any media I can toss into one of the chambers. Open to suggestions, want to design the "best" setup I can. looking for dimensions, baffle layout/height etc. I found some other exact designs for 20gals, etc but wondering if anyone has come across a 29gal design
I really prefer to set up with the return between the sump and fuge, split your overflow line or return line to feed the fuge with a ball valve to control flow, this way your fuge doesn't get hit with the full flow of your systems overflow rate as the water makes its way to the return pump.
I can get you dimensions of the last one I built this way, you can adjust the sections to suit your equipment selections.
Here is a quick pic of the last one I built, sorry for bad quality pic.


You can see it goes SUMP>>RETURN<<FUGE, and the way it is designed, maximizes water volume in fuge to allow a DSB/Plenum.
I also have a 29G standard glass I got from PETCO for $29. I am planning the exact same thing different Skimmer though, aquac urchin. I'm pretty sure on the lay out of the baffles I was wondering if any one close to bolingbrook might have the know how and spare time to help me go about the actual assembly siliconing and such. I'm a noob and never done something like this before.